This is a concern that many pet owners have. Most of the time it is limited to female pets, but in some instances it is also caused by males.

My Grass is dying in spots!!
It’s a common misconception that "acid" in a dog’s urine is what causes the brown spots left behind on your lawn. However, the culprit causing lawn burn is actually the high nitrogen content of your dog's urine.

Nitrogen is “the waste” in the urine, and it’s the result of protein breakdown through normal body processes. Urine can cause a nitrogen overload on most grasses. Female dogs are more likely to create the brown ring pattern on lawns, which some horticulturists call “female dog spot disease,” because their squatting produces a steady, concentrated stream.
The Solution
A repeated vet school mantra was, "dilution is the solution to pollution," and that concept holds equally true in the case of urine scald on your lawn. Therefore, the best way to help prevent brown spots is either by dilution or by addressing the external environment.